Sunday, November 2, 2008

Ulasan Filem: Budak Kelantan

Have u heard about this movie? korang sume dh tgk ke cite nie? if u want to watch something that really good in term of entertaining and educating, this film is highly recommended. 
But, before u guys watch this movies, please leave ur perception, stereotyping about budak2 kelate at the main entrance. Or, you'll end up like these people:
"wut? budak kelantan? aper tue? eiii geli la tgk citer budak2 kelantan. mesti depa nie syok sendrik, buat citer sendrik. tau ar puak2 depa byk kt KL nie, tp tkyah ar sampai nk buat muvie khas utk diaorang nie"
"budak kelantan? thanks but no thanks"
So, for these people, u have made ur own choice....
So someone asked me, how do I find this movie? my answer is simple, if i'm awake till the end of credit, the movie is really entertaining. 

So, camner nk tau movie nie menarik atau tidak? First, do some research kt bloggers who have chance to watch the pre-screening, read their reviews BUT don't read reviews from akhbar2 tempatan mcm metro, bharian, utusan ke because their review are totally SUCKs big time. 

So how the movie? menarik ker or big blergh?
There are certain part yg really, really interesting, and there some minor un-interesting parts.
So the interesting part: lakonan, lakonan, lakonan, dialog, directing and camera works. Lakonan dlm filem ini sgt2 lah memberangsangkan esp watak Jaha, yg jahat nk mampuih!! lakonan Danny X-Factor and Bienda are good but there is some room for improvement. Lakonan Mohd Asrulfaizal (JAHA) betul2 menjadi, cayalah bro!!! Watak Buchek (Danny) need to improve a lil' bit so that people will understand the reason for your decision to lepaskan Che Nor (Bienda) for Jaha (Asrulfaizal). Watak2 sokongan lain spt Bokbong are really good and help the flow of the story. 
After watched the movie, ramai member2 aku menyatakan ketidakpuasan hati pada ending of the story and how can Jaha simply died like that. For me, the director want to show that people can died tanpa sebab2 yg buleh membuatkan org itu mati. Kita tidak memerlukan kemalangan ngan ngeri, hancur kepala semua atau kejadian tembak menembak atau ditikam oleh org untuk menjadi sbb kematian. Kematian Jaha dalam filem ini menjadi simbol yg hidup dan matinya seorang insan adalah pekerjaan Tuhan yang Maha Esa.

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